ARTners Has Been Collaborating!

In November/December 2020, ARTners participated in many strength building classes for business/nonprofit. Free classes were offered through the City of Sacramento Arts & Culture.  These classes were informative and very helpful. We were also part of a receiving...

Announcing ARTners New Board Member!

ARTners is honored to announce our newest Board Member!  We are grateful to have you! Mr. David Banuelos Jr., has accepted the position of Outreach Director.  David will be working with the community as our voice, to promote the ARTners mission and bring aboard new...

ARTners Holiday Drawing

On December 18, 2020, ARTners conducted a holiday drawing for (3) local Artists to receive a $40 Hobby Lobby gift certificate each.  A live drawing was shown on ARTners Facebook page.   This is ARTners way of givng back and helping to promote local Artists and to help...