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Your donations help us continue to provide creative & cultural services to our communities. We appreciate your attendance at our events and your support. Sincerely ARTners
Our Nonprofit Team
Our Focus
To learn more about Our Focus, click on link options above
Land Acknowledgement
Acknowledgements in honor of Sacramento’s Indigenous People and Tribal Lands. To the original people of this land.
The Nisenan people, The Southern Maidu, Valley and Plains Miwok, Patwin Wintun peoples, and the people of the Wilton Rancheria, Sacramento’s only Federally recognized Tribe.
May we acknowledge and honor the Native people who came before us and still walk beside us today on these ancestral lands by choosing to gather together today in the active practice of acknowledgement and appreciation for Sacramento’s Indigenous People’s history, contributions, and lives
Our Actions
Community Murals
Mural Expressions Programs
Civic Engagement
Visual Art Scholarships | ARTgrove |
"The COVID-19 Experience"
Art Exhibit Video