
past projects


“Big Day of Giving” (April 2019)

Happening on April 27th.  ARTners displayed 7 past works of mural art for our Sacramento South festivals.  Working and partnering within our community to support the neighborhood art upgrade.  ARTners is a community group.

Mural ExpressionS –

“Fiesta de Colores” (2018, September)

Mural Expressions Vol 2, was the 2nd and follow up event to our creative community cultural equality movement in Sacramento South. We activated two locations on the same block for on our 2nd festival. This day was filled with in action painted murals, live music, active kid zone and fun watching the images come to life. Highlighting the 14 artists who painting live their vision and were accepted on temporary walls. (future images/video link)

Mural ExpressionS –

“El Grito” (2018, September)

In celebration of Mexico’s Independence Day “El Grito” Mural Expression painted @ Los Inmortales Taqueria on the corner of Franklin and Fruitridge.  Mural Expressions Vol 2 event was moved for one day to connect with in proximity the neighborhood cultural celebration. The next day we relocated back to our host spot to continue with in action painted murals, live music, active kid zone and fun watching the images come to life.  (future images/video link)

W.O.W. Festival (2018, AUGUST)

Returning back to be a part of our cities celebration and retouch our “HUMANITY” mural production. Connecting back into the cities energy of creative murals projects everywhere in and near downtown Sacramento. Only a few artists from the original crew were able to return but their spirit always remains. 
(future images/video link)

Mural ExpressionS –

“Una Dia Para La Madre” (2018, May)

Mural Expressions Vol 1, was the 1st event of its kind in Sacramento South. This was a 2 day creative event of murals, music, kids zone and fun. Highlighting the 16 artists who painting live their vision on temporary walls. Followed with our ARTners South “Open Air Gallery”

W.O.W. Paint The Park (2018, APRIL)

Joined with other Sacramento professional artists to paint the scrim fencing painting various soccer and Sacramento proud imagery for Sacramento Republic Professional Soccer Team fans.

W.O.W. Street Jam (2017, NOVEMBER)

Coordinated a team of 15 artist to paint one city block of 16 different mixed interconnected art pieces. Using both brush and aerosol to make their designs come to life. One of the artists images was used for local news promotion of connections to our city. (future images/video link)

W.O.W. Festival (2017, AUGUST)

Our 1st group/team project at this scale, 2017 “HUMANITY” – 280’x11′ Community Mural was an assembly of 20 visual artists working together on this social messaging mural, consisting of 17 smaller murals and 12 trash dumpsters painted to reveal the messages of “HUMANITY” (future images/video link)



ARTners "A Walk In My Shoes"


This is a program offered by the ARTners Nonprofit 501c3.  The program is designed to represent people in all Walks of Life! It is about the things you love in life and what you have endured. It can be as deep as you would like!  These paintings are something that you can be proud of and hang in your living room or give to someone as a gift.                

 A person requests the painting or requests a gift for another person.         The person requesting the painting fills out the form about their life and the things they love about it. You may request the same for another person if they don’t want the painting to be of them. We will also ask for authorization to use their story, photo, painting on social media, a possible art show and the ARTners website or it can be kept confidential if that is your preference. ARTners will ask for a photo of their feet or their feet in their favorite pair of shoes. This is the photo that will be painted with creativity added based on the response to the form.  ARTners will designate an Artist to paint their photo and expressions of life. The ARTist will paint by what the person lists on the form. We will not make edits upon completion. This is a creative expression. The person will request the size: 12” x 12”, which costs $75 or 24” x 24”, which costs  $125. 

If you are interested in requesting a painting, please contact us at