PinkStreet Art - Teresa Gutierrez

PinkStreet Art - Teresa Gutierrez


Dr. Myk

Dr. Myk


Raul Mejia

Raul Mejia


R & E Fam Creations

R & E Fam Creations

Beatriz Navarro

Beatriz Navarro


HippieCholo Arte

HippieCholo Arte


Danilo Tividad

Danilo Tividad




Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum - Shonna Mcdaniels

Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum - Shonna Mcdaniels

@sojoartmuseum - Artists Ehjah Mitchell, Kendall Holman and David Washington

Oscar Gomez

Oscar Gomez


gabe lopez

gabe lopez


rigo olivas

rigo olivas


Conrad Garcia

Conrad Garcia



Featured Live Canvas Artists:

Yoli Manzo – @sacredyolidesigns

Veronica Kovats – @veronicakovatsart

Elk Grove Fine Arts Center – @elkgrovefineartscenter

ARTgrove Happy Birthday Frida  Fundraiser

Help us decorate Frida’s Birthday cake!! When you arrive, see us at the main ARTners table.  If you make a donation to the ARTners nonprofit, you will get to add a rose to Frida’s Happy Birthday Cake with your name on it to show your appreciation.

Our goal by the end of the day is to have this 5′ 5″ tall cake fully decorated with roses to honor Frida for her Birthday!!!

This cake was donated and created by Ariana Tsukamoto & Family – Thank you!